Masca Retreat 2022

Masca Health Retreat

Well-being your way
19. – 26. November 2022 in Masca, Teneriffe

Book your spot
 Als Körperpsychotherapeutin, Hypnose Coach und Yogalehrerin unterstütze ich dich dabei, dein wahres Selbst zu leben, dich von einengenden Gedanken oder Selbstabwertung zu lösen und dich wohl in deinem Körper zu fühlen. 

Aus tiefstem Herzen bin ich überzeugt, dass Körperunzufriedenheit, Fressattacken (Emotionales Essen oder Essstörungen) sowie Selbstzweifel ein nach innen verlagerter Kampf ist. Du kannst diese Energie nutzen, um sie dorthin ausrichten, wo sie dir dienlich ist, um glücklich und lebendig zu sein und deine innersten Wünsche zu erfüllen. 



How do you feel? Before you answer, consider what it means to feel "well". Health is something that goes beyond the physical. True health is a balance of mind, body and spirit.

Inspired by our together over 20 years of experience as psychologist, body-psychotherapist, mindfulness- and yoga-teacher, the Retreat takes place at Mandala de Masca and Spa, a "playground of well-being" on the top of the magic canyon of Masca, Teneriffe. We will guide you through the centuries old wisdom of deep mindfulness and bodywork.

After completing your personal Mind-Body Health Interview with Anna / Jochen, we'll provide you with an exclusive group-experience and individual guidance for your specific needs. Through daily meditation and yoga, coaching sessions and bodywork, and a holistic, fully organic, vegan and healthy nutrition, you’ll learn how to take a life-changing, well-rounded approach to your well-being that will last long after the retreat is over.

Ready to get serious about your health? Press play in video:


What can I expect from this retreat?


Enjoy the benefits of nourishing, custom mindfulness and bodywork treatments that allow the release of mental toxins. Balance your mind and body through daily restorative yoga and breathwork sessions. Nourish your body with clean, locally-sourced vegan meals designed by our Cooking Chefs.


Tap into the power of deep Mindfulness practice, our signature practice relying on professional inquiry to cultivate happiness, well-being and connection to your inner mental center. Meet group-sharings with Anna and Jochen to develop deep stability and satisfaction in yourself.


Interact with fellow attendees throughout the day. Learn to listen to your body by learning about the 5,000-year-old holistic healing system of Mindfulness and Yoga in daily sessions, and discover how it can help you maintain healthy habits after the retreat. And enjoy personal downtime reflecting in nature.



Nestled in the high mountains of Masca on Teneriffe, you can find the MANDALA de MASCA Retreat Center. Here is a force of nature with an incredible amount of power and energy, of which there are only very few places in the world. This place helps you to find your inner center. MANDALA de MASCA Retreat Center is devoted entirely to your well-being. We offer you a vast array of classes to supplement your whole health, including bodywork, mindfulness practice, yoga, professional coaching, wellness and more. During your seven days, you can also relax on the pool or enjoy beautiful hikes in the wonderful surrounding.

Book now
Well-being your way
19. – 26. November 2022 in Masca, Teneriffe

This retreat would be good for anyone who is interested to understand oneself and truly wants to balance his body-mind relationsship, be happy and healthy, and live a life of bliss and harmony.


The check in time is from 3pm on the arrival day the 19th and the 26th check-out time is after breakfast at 10am.

It is 7 nights (8days).

We start together on saturday at 7pm.


Flights should be organized by the attendees. If you need further assistance just ask directly. Event pricing excludes flightsYou should take the Airport Reina Sofia TFS. Which is only 40 minutes from the Retreat Centre. If you wish for it, we can arrange a group taxi from the airport.


We are here to support you. Based on your wishes we can arrange all kind of other services for your well-being: Transportation from the airport and massages. You can book holistic massage services from therapists from the Island.

Start your journey

A limited number of single rooms and double bed rooms are available.

In order to provide you a safe space, in which all your experiences can be transformed into your heart, this Retreat is designed for a very small group of 10 attendees.


*Event pricing excludes flights

€ 2.390 - 3.590

  • 8-day & 7-night stay at Mandala de Masca
  • 3 times a day: vegan, chef-driven meals designed for detoxification and small bites and refreshing drinks in between
  • Twice daily meditation or yoga
  • 6 days mindfulness and bodywork practice
  • Guided self-inquiry Groups
  • Access to the beautiful pool and many gardens, unique floor heated indoor full equipped Yoga Shala and outdoor yoga decks
  • 1-on-1 mental health consultation and personalized lifestyle recommendations based on your mind-body type by Anna / Jochen.


Fill out the following form and we will reach out at a time convenient for you.

Or call us at +49 157 38137180

„It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.“

- Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

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